Monday, May 21, 2012


First weekend home.   
Four and a half hours, one coffee mug.  I would be an absolute disaster at a birthday party or casual get together at paint-your-own-pottery shop.  I can spend hours pouring over paint colors, going agonizing over designs, and sketching out blueprints.  Oh, and then I start painting.  I don't talk.  I am the picture of focus.

Luckily, my friend is of the same ilk, so we spent all of Saturday afternoon and night working and painting, silently. It was lovely. 

The bridge on my walk home.

I dragged my mom out to the farmer's market Sunday morning.  Ridiculously overpriced, but the energy and the atmosphere make the six dollar strawberries all the juicer.  I came home with visions of strawberry salads, home made yogurt, and sauteed mushrooms dancing in my head. 

I realized this morning, when I finally decided to wake up at 12:30, that my lack-of-job situation leaves me with the potential to become all together too relaxed this summer.  So, tempting though it is to spend the next few weeks lazing about the house, I need to find a job.  I am waiting to hear from a veterinary clinic in town (we are in an amazingly intense game of phone tag at the moment...), so hopefully I will spend the rest of the summer up to my elbows in dogs and cats. 

In the meantime, here is my end-of-weekend playlist.

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