Monday, May 28, 2012

New York, New York. The Lazy Way.

Hello all,
I just spent five fabulous days lazing about the Big Apple.  The boyfriend lives in the city, so I took the bus up to visit, and ended up staying a few extra days.
I braved the WORST thunderstorm of DC summer 2012 waiting for the bus on my way up on Wednesday.  We are talking waterfalls-of-rainwater-gushing-down-the metro-escalators-can't-see-a-foot-in-front-of-your-face thunderstorm.  Luckily, both my computer and I survived. 

Sleep. Eat. Read. Walk around the river. Play. That about sums up the week. 


His parents were away for the week, which meant we weren't having food magically prepared every night for dinner.  Helpless snacking and a lot of eating out ensued.  On the last night, inspiration struck, and we cooked.
Broccoli, mushroom, onion, and mustard pizza.  Tomato and fresh mozzarella pizza.  Avocado, mango, lemon, balsamic salad.

Bon appetite. 

I had a wonderful time seeing the boyfriend and hanging out with his little brother and his sister.  It was our first visit since school ended, and it was amazing to get to spend some time with him.
Here are some songs from the week.

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