Friday, May 18, 2012

A day, a tune. Or three.

 Friday. Blissfully unproductive. A slow, coffee induced wake up. It will be a horrifying reality check when I graduate and have a job that doesn't include three months of vacation. We students are truly pampered. 

How to celebrate my complete and utter release from all responsibility? Shop. Read. Take pictures. Cook. All the little indulgences I missed during the semester.  I can tell you one thing, my wallet is not terribly pleased with me.  Apparently I don't handle shopping withdrawal well as I suddenly can't pass up the opportunity to spend all the money I'm not making at the job that I don't have.  New lotion?  Yes please.  But surely, I need new shoes, right?  And a wallet. How about those lovely silky shorts? Yes, yes, and yes.

Hoorah for unpaid internships!  In the spirit of indulgence, have some tunes, if you please.

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