Monday, July 2, 2012


Welcome to DC, current temperature 100 degrees F, feels like 105.  Tomorrow, it should be a nice, cool 97.  Excellent. To be fair, I really can't complain since, unlike half the city, my air conditioning still works post-enormous-thunderstorm.  However, I was forced to survive without internet for nearly 3 whole days. Horrific. 
Best way to beat the heat?  Sit inside my air conditioned house and dream about being somewhere else.  Current focus?  Italy.  I spent one amazing week there in the spring sightseeing, eating lots of pizza and pasta, sipping espresso, and shoe shopping.
So, until I scrounge up a few thousand dollars to hop across the pond, I'll just look at pictures and drink a few glasses of wine.


The Duomo. 

Boboli Gardens.



Main method of transportation. 

A rainy day.


  1. oh gosh such a burning weather!!Gosh! The only way i fight such high temperatures is in being in the water, either the ocean or just my bath tub :P
    yeah i don't know what the hell i would do for 3 days without internet either, pure nightmare!!
    Italy is beautiful, so full of history and has that surreal & romantic aura, i've never been there, yet!but boy it looks phenomenal from your picts!

    1. Thank you for your comment! Thankfully the heat wave ended and I survived it. Even better, the internet is back!
