Sunday, June 3, 2012


Welcome to Sunday night.  To all you unfortunate souls who are waking up for work/school/etc. tomorrow morning, you have my deepest sympathies.
I will be waking up tomorrow to do a little more of nothing, its rough life being an unemployed student on summer break.
My weekend in pictures. 

I spent a good chunk of the weekend trekking the less traveled streets of DC.   When I tell people I am from DC, I often get a range of reactions from "so... where in Maryland?" to "do you go to the museums a lot" to, my personal favorite, "so, is your house right by the White House?" Erm, no, no, and no.  


The White House is pretty and all, but I love the DC that has nothing to do with the White House or the president or the tour busses.  That DC is local, artsy, a little funky, and utterly unique.  

Apple and peach pastries at the farmer's market.

A never ending collection of old CDs at a second hand book shop.

Street music! Free smoothies included..


All smiles.

So sophisticated. 

To get you through Monday morning.

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