Sunday, June 24, 2012

bikes and boats.

I just hopped off the bus home from New York.  It was a quick trip, just a day and a half, but it was a great day and a half.  Late night movie and bagels.  Ferry out to Governor's Island, lounging and picnicking in the sun (I have some fabulous burn lines to show for it..), riding some crazy bikes, and some meandering.

These bikes, courtesy of Playdate Bike Club, were wonderful.  High handlebars and no gears, just how I like them.

We caught an improv show to and snuck in sushi, which we ate in the back of the theatre despite a few disapproving glares.
All in all, a great trip.  The bus home was even pretty nice, although, for future reference, if you are over the age of 5, don't go barefoot on the bus, its not cute.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A weekend.

Somehow, it is Sunday night.  Ay, caramba!
Last week, in a nutshell: 6 am alarm, coffee one, hour car ride, coffee two, horses, lameness checks, injections, palpating, coffee three, car ride, sleep.
"All that for a non-working girl?", you ask.  Explanation: I spent last week shadowing an equine vet.  It was wonderful, despite the outrageously early wake-ups (is 6 am even a real time?! Apparently...).   

Smiles and Winks.

A literary adventure. 

The eternal optimist. 

Artomatic 2012.

Looking to the light.

Metro after a long day of sushi, tanning, and exploring eleven floors of contemporary art.  Life could be worse.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Summer concert season.

Foster the People.

The Kooks. 


Saturday, June 9, 2012


Happy Saturday Night.
I plan on catching up on TV and eating ice cream for dinner.  Lovely.
The boyfriend left this afternoon to head back to the big city.  We spent a lot of time hanging out with the family, and the good news?  I think my little brother likes him as much as I do.  
In other news, since I can't find a paying job, I figured I should at least give my time to something worthwhile.  So, starting this week I'll be volunteering at a local animal shelter. I'll have a schedule!  Amazing, wonderful, lovely.  A schedule, but no pay check.  I'll take what I can get.

5. Tumbler

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Welcome to Sunday night.  To all you unfortunate souls who are waking up for work/school/etc. tomorrow morning, you have my deepest sympathies.
I will be waking up tomorrow to do a little more of nothing, its rough life being an unemployed student on summer break.
My weekend in pictures. 

I spent a good chunk of the weekend trekking the less traveled streets of DC.   When I tell people I am from DC, I often get a range of reactions from "so... where in Maryland?" to "do you go to the museums a lot" to, my personal favorite, "so, is your house right by the White House?" Erm, no, no, and no.  


The White House is pretty and all, but I love the DC that has nothing to do with the White House or the president or the tour busses.  That DC is local, artsy, a little funky, and utterly unique.  

Apple and peach pastries at the farmer's market.

A never ending collection of old CDs at a second hand book shop.

Street music! Free smoothies included..


All smiles.

So sophisticated. 

To get you through Monday morning.

Friday, June 1, 2012