Saturday, July 28, 2012


I have been playing mom this week, which I am using as an excuse for my absenteeism. What have I learned?  Fifteen year old boys have this amazing ability to sit on the couch for hours on end.  I think there is a new dent in our couch from my dear brother's bum.

Another photo from Florence.

Guys. GUYS. This is HUGE.  Lush does makeup. And its brilliant.

For one thing, the Lush makeup experience begins with color wheel/ emotion test.  Spin the wheel, pick the first three colors you see, and let the colors tell you a little bit about yourself.  Sound a little suspicious?  Perhaps, but its all in good fun and the colors are absolutely luscious.
This was my favorite.  I am a sucker for naturals, and this one looks great on lips, eyes, and cheeks.  

Other highlights of the week:
1. OLYMPICS. The queen jumped out of a helicopter.  Enough said. 
2. Purchased my first high-low hem piece.  I've been considering it for a while, and I finally went for it and I am in love.
3. I just learned that the Queen "scored 1.2 million tweets in one night". word.
4. Do not leave rice to cook while you shower.  It has this rather alarming habit of burning.  Oops.
5. Eight hound puppies arrived at the shelter this week.  They are absolutely adorable and love being hugged.
6. This is more of a downlight, but I saw my first euthanasia in the clinic.  Although it was definitely sad, it was utterly appropriate.
7. I slept a rather impressive 14 hours yesterday, and I loved it.
Happy weekend!

Monday, July 23, 2012

california dreaming.

You know that saying "the weather is always perfect in Los Angeles"?  Well, I didn't either until my dad clued me in to it while I talked his ear off about the perfect weather.  Sunny, breezy, cool at night, clear, perfect.  But, enough with the weather.

I dragged the boyfriend up to the Hollywood sign, it was a bit of a tough two miles up, especially after my atrocious sense of direction came along to bite me in the bum.  Despite a few unplanned detours, we made it, and the view was incredible! 

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).  

The sign from below.


Some casual star spotting: Matisyahu.  The real story behind this photo?  Matisyahu held a free concert at a record shop.  We planned to go after hitting the beach for a while.  Sadly, both of us are a bit time challenged and we arrived five minutes after it ended.  Oops.  BUT I still got a picture, so it looks like I was there.  I won't tell if you don't.

Welcome home.
Tanned (ok burnt), relaxed, and perhaps a bit blonder...

Friday, July 13, 2012


Beautiful moments are truly a privilege to witness.  They can be small, such as an unexpected smile from a stranger, or large, like a wedding or a sunrise.
On my walk home today I saw a little group of three individuals so clearly devoted to one another that I took a moment to stop and stare.  

I hope when I am old and frail, my children will be as patient with me as this couple was with their ancient, decrepit dog.  It must have taken them ten minutes to walk one block, but there they were, taking their dog to the park.  
The dog must have been severely arthritic and could barely bend its legs, but he was out there, sniffing at the tree boxes.
The whole scene reminded me of watching a son or daughter walk with their very elderly parent.  It was sweet and beautiful to see.

In other news, I am jetting off to Los Angeles for the week.  Hellooo sunshine and beaches.  And apparently a lot of tattoos?  That came from my mother so I'll take it with a grain (or two) of salt. 

The monument. Because I can.

 These shoes were made for walking.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A smattering.

It all began with a burner that stubbornly refused to light.  Then it was two burners. When burner number three went out and we were forced to alternate boiling water and frying pans between the fourth and final burner, it occurred to us that perhaps we should call the repair man.  Three repair visits later, we are still left with only one working burner.  Miraculous.  
So, here I sit waiting on visit number four.  Fourth times a charm, right?

Before I die: I will live overseas and have a bit of an adventure.

Afternoon cuppa. 


Embassy Row.

In other news, I signed a lease on an apartment, finally bought a new swim suit, and finished book number three of the summer.  All in all, a successful start to the week.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A book and a brew.

The bad news?  Its still over 100 degrees.  The good news?  I have no reason to go outside.  That said, I did go for a hike yesterday.  By the time I finished I looked like I had gone for a swim in hiking boots, but a little sweat never hurt anyone.

Reading on the roof.  


Adorable French patisserie.  Lovely coffee and delectable croissants.
Stay cool.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Welcome to DC, current temperature 100 degrees F, feels like 105.  Tomorrow, it should be a nice, cool 97.  Excellent. To be fair, I really can't complain since, unlike half the city, my air conditioning still works post-enormous-thunderstorm.  However, I was forced to survive without internet for nearly 3 whole days. Horrific. 
Best way to beat the heat?  Sit inside my air conditioned house and dream about being somewhere else.  Current focus?  Italy.  I spent one amazing week there in the spring sightseeing, eating lots of pizza and pasta, sipping espresso, and shoe shopping.
So, until I scrounge up a few thousand dollars to hop across the pond, I'll just look at pictures and drink a few glasses of wine.


The Duomo. 

Boboli Gardens.



Main method of transportation. 

A rainy day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

bikes and boats.

I just hopped off the bus home from New York.  It was a quick trip, just a day and a half, but it was a great day and a half.  Late night movie and bagels.  Ferry out to Governor's Island, lounging and picnicking in the sun (I have some fabulous burn lines to show for it..), riding some crazy bikes, and some meandering.

These bikes, courtesy of Playdate Bike Club, were wonderful.  High handlebars and no gears, just how I like them.

We caught an improv show to and snuck in sushi, which we ate in the back of the theatre despite a few disapproving glares.
All in all, a great trip.  The bus home was even pretty nice, although, for future reference, if you are over the age of 5, don't go barefoot on the bus, its not cute.